The Aspergers or High functioning Spectrum child is particularly vulnerable to bullying. Here is a good source of information:
Here is a very well done book on the topic
IF YOU HAVE A CHILD WITH A LEARNING DISABILITY, OR WHO IS A CHILD WITH ADHD OR IS ON THE SPECTRUM, THE CHANCES ARE YOU OR YOUR CHILD HAVE EXPERIENCED BULLYING. It is not fair but it is a fact. Our precious Children are more prone to be the victim of bullying - and it can have serious consequences.
What can you DO? Educate yourself, your child and your school to the signs and strategies to deal with this.
Remember: Bystanders are part of the equation!
What is Bullying
Aggressive behavior may be bullying depending on what happened, how often it happens and who it happens to. Find out what bullying is and what the different types are. You can also learn more about other topics related to bullying.
If you want to get fired up, a good place to start is to watch 'Bully -The Movie'
Here is the Trailer-get out the tissue before watching:
Then find out how to do something about it:
Here are the results of a study of the prevalence of Bullying in our schools:
Here are some other helpful links: